Factors Affecting Service Quality in a Saudi Hotel Industry: A Case Study in Albaha, Saudi Arabia

Adil Zia (1)
(1) Department of Marketing, College of Business Administration, Albaha University, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia


The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing Service Quality (SQ) in hotels located in Albaha, Saudi Arabia, and to assess the extent of their impact. The study employs a quantitative research approach, collecting data from 500 customers using the SERVQUAL questionnaire, with 327 responses deemed suitable for analysis. Convenience sampling was utilized, and the data were analyzed using Smart PLS software, focusing on the relationships between various service quality dimensions. The findings reveal that Tangibility and Empathy significantly influence Service Quality in Albaha's hotels, while Reliability, Responsiveness, and Assurance have a negligible impact. These results suggest that physical aspects of the hotel and empathetic interactions with guests are critical determinants of service quality in this region. In contrast, factors such as reliability and responsiveness, often considered fundamental in other contexts, do not play a significant role in this specific cultural and geographical setting. In conclusion, this study underscores the importance of focusing on Tangibility and Empathy to enhance Service Quality in Albaha’s hotel industry. The findings offer practical insights for hotel management to prioritize these areas in their service improvement strategies. Furthermore, the study provides a foundation for future research, particularly in exploring culturally tailored approaches to service quality enhancement in similar regional contexts.

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Adil Zia
dradilzia@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Zia, A. (2023). Factors Affecting Service Quality in a Saudi Hotel Industry: A Case Study in Albaha, Saudi Arabia. Innovation Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Review, 5(2), 21–31. https://doi.org/10.36923/ijsser.v5i4.223

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