Causes of the Passive Attitude in Children at Early Grade Level

Hafiza Rabia Alam (1), Muhammad Shakir (2)
(1) Department of Education, National College of Business Administration & Economics, Pakistan,
(2) Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan


The passive attitude of a child is a common problem as far as communication is concerned which has long been considered a central concept of social psychology. The current study investigates the causes and fears of children in early grade students. The objectives of the study were (a) to identify the reasons for the passive attitude of children at the primary level; (b) to determine the elements involved in creating a passive attitude in the students at the primary level; (c) to assess the causes of the passive attitude of students at primary level. The nature of this research was descriptive while the survey method was used to gather information. All the learners, parents, and teachers of government primary schools of district Bahawalpur were the population of the study. A sample of 592 participants (teachers 125, students 366 and parents 101) was selected through using convenient sampling techniques. The questionnaire was used as a research tool for teachers, parents, and students. The findings of the study demonstrate that punishment, scolding, steering, speaking loudly, beating, Burdon of homework and strictness were considered the major causes of passive attitude among students. Most of the teachers were of the view that students feel fear when the teacher scolds them and student’s hesitation levels increase. This research study fulfilled both objectives of the study. The results of the study disclosed that the majority of the students; teachers and parents opined that strictness of the teachers, punishment, de-motivating attitude of teachers, Burdon of homework, curriculum, the teaching method of teacher, lack of attractive environment, home environment, crowded classrooms and lack of teachers friendly relationship with students. All these become the reasons for shyness and poor confidence in the children. In the future, this study will be helpful for teachers and parents, on how to deal with children and seek their behaviours, As well as, this study will helpful for researchers to investigate each reason and develop the curriculum. Similarly, a policymaker can use this study to develop the rules and regulations for their institutions. 

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Hafiza Rabia Alam (Primary Contact)
Muhammad Shakir
Alam, H. R., & Shakir, M. (2019). Causes of the Passive Attitude in Children at Early Grade Level. Innovation Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Review, 1(1), 16–21.

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