Historical Background of The Rohingya Refugee Crisis And The Implication of Their Statelessness

Mohammad Fazlul kader (1), Anwar Hossain Choudhury (2)
(1) Department Of Sociology, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh . University Of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Email: fazlulkaderchycoxsbazer@gmail.com, Bangladesh,
(2) University Of Chittagong, Chittagong,, Bangladesh


Bangladesh is a country consisting of various ethnic groups. Despite 46 years of independence, Bangladesh remains a developing country facing numerous challenges. One such challenge is the plight of the Rohingya. They face mass killings, executions, forced labor, deportation, and denial of the most basic human rights, rendering them stateless. The main purpose of this study is to examine the causes of the Rohingya refugee crisis and the implications of their statelessness. This study is both descriptive and exploratory in nature, utilizing interview schedules and case studies for data collection. The research analyzes the crisis through theoretical frameworks, including migration theory, to understand the Rohingya crisis and its impact on local people. Main Findings: This study attempts to uncover local people's views on the causes of the Rohingya refugee crisis and the implications of their statelessness. The findings indicate that around 93% of local people believe that the Rohingyas are original citizens of Myanmar. They attribute the persecution of Rohingyas in Myanmar primarily to religious and political-economic factors. The Rohingya crisis poses significant challenges for Bangladesh, impacting its socio-economic and political landscape. This study highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive and permanent solution to the crisis. The root causes of the Rohingya persecution—religious and political-economic factors—must be addressed by both regional and international communities. Providing the Rohingyas with full citizenship status and rights in Myanmar and ensuring their safe repatriation are crucial steps toward resolving the crisis. Effective diplomatic efforts, coupled with humanitarian support, are essential to alleviate the plight of the Rohingyas and foster peaceful coexistence in the region. The findings of this study can provide valuable insights for policymakers and humanitarian organizations addressing the Rohingya crisis. Understanding the root causes and implications of statelessness can help in formulating effective strategies to mitigate the crisis and support the affected populations. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on the Rohingya refugee crisis by providing a localized perspective. It will be helpful for future research and background studies on the crisis, offering a foundation for more in-depth investigations and policy formulations.

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Mohammad Fazlul kader
fazlulkaderchycoxsbazer@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Anwar Hossain Choudhury
kader, M. F., & Choudhury, A. H. (2019). Historical Background of The Rohingya Refugee Crisis And The Implication of Their Statelessness. Innovation Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Review, 1(1), 8–15. https://doi.org/10.36923/ijsser.v1i1.23

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