Effect Of Supply Chain Risk Management On Organization Performance: A Case Study Of National Foods Manooabad Muridke District Sheikhupura

Muhammad Arfan Hadyait (1), Shafiq Ahmad (2), Muhammad Mohsin Rashid (3)
(1) Institute of Quality and Technology Management University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan,
(2) Institute of Quality and Technology Management University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan,
(3) Institute of Quality and Technology Management University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan


Previously, many studies focused on risk management in a general context, with little attention paid to how supply chain risk management affects an organization's profit and performance. The main aim of our study is to explore the effect of supply chain risk management on organizational performance at National Foods Manooabad, Muridke, District Sheikhupura. This study was conducted at National Foods Manooabad, Muridke. Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed to the employees of National Foods Manooabad, Muridke. SPSS 22 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) was used to analyze the collected data. This study attempts to assess the effects of supply chain risk management variables on the performance of the organization. Three main supply chain risk management variables were identified: supply chain risk identification, supply chain risk sources, and supply chain risk mitigation. We found that the risk register method is primarily used for the identification of risks in the supply chain at any level. The most important risks identified in our study are supplier risks, environmental risks, political risks, market risks, warehousing risks, and financial risks. Effective mitigation strategies include risk avoidance measures, risk control measures, and risk cooperation measures. We concluded that it is important for an organization to proactively identify risks as early as possible in the decision-making process. Different types of risks need to be identified across all processes of supply chains. After identifying these risks, the organization needs to mitigate them using different mitigation strategies. In the future, this study will be helpful for many organizations dealing with food items consumed by people. While many previous studies have generally focused on risk management, this study specifically focuses on supply chain risks. There is a need for more studies in different industries to provide better information for controlling risks in supply chain management.

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Muhammad Arfan Hadyait
marfan39@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Shafiq Ahmad
Muhammad Mohsin Rashid
Hadyait, M. A., Ahmad , S., & Mohsin Rashid, M. (2019). Effect Of Supply Chain Risk Management On Organization Performance: A Case Study Of National Foods Manooabad Muridke District Sheikhupura. Innovation Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Review, 1(1), 1–07. https://doi.org/10.36923/ijsser.v1i1.22

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